30" Platonic Year F2 - 172.06 Hz
Healing Signature
The Platonic Year is the time it takes the Earth's axis - that is the imagined line that goes from North Pole to South Pole in the center of our planet - to go through one whole precession, or otherwise known as precession of the Equinoxes. It takes the Earth about 25800 to 26000 years to go through one Platonic Year. It is a big deep cycle.
When you hear of the "Age of Aquarius" it is because the equinox is moving from one sign of the Zodiac to another. It takes about 2160 years to do this, approximately. It does not happen at one particular moment, it happens over some decades. These are big time periods, folks.
Revel in this gong's profound energy. Want to connect to the rhythms of the Earth and its changes? Heal with this gong. Not only does it carry a beautiful sound to your ears, it carries a beautiful energy to your soul. The Platonic Year Gong can help you with great and subtle insights.